Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Getting ready

I have already made over $500 on tonight's show.

I haven't even gone to it yet- it's all preorders by a motivated hostess.

HOW does one get a hostess motivated?  She fell in love with the jewelry!

Sharing the love of jewelry - isn't that what its all about?  When you build the love, the business and orders come....

...hmmm-which makes me think.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Habit

I got out of the habit.

The habit of writing every Monday...which I did since August 2009.  Our "Business Boost" phone message of 2 minutes required a quick sit-down of writing.  Every Monday.  A few holidays here and there, but not many missed.

Earlier this year, I noticed a drop off in the actual number of people who listened to the calls.  Offers and challenges went unnoticed as people simple did not listen to the call they subscribed to, and I spent money sending.  The decision was made to switch to a blog, which still required writing every Monday.

Things went pretty well until the kids got out of school...then there's a brief entry when they went BACK to school, then...nothing.  Quite frankly, I forgot about it.  A four year habit - gone.


Four weeks ago, I began volunteering with the Tribute Fence Preservation Project.  My background is history and museums; I am cataloging the items left at the Granite Mountain Hotshot's fire station fence after 19 of them perished in a wildfire on June 30th this year.  I can't say the volunteer work broke my habit, it was gone before I started.  What I find interesting?  The volunteer work made me realize I had lost the habit.

Working 40+ hours a week for no pay is only possible due to my lia sophia business.  I recognized this fact when I took on the position of volunteer curator, and immediately noticed how laser-focused I became on my lia sophia business.  In the month of September, with huge work weeks dedicated to the Project, I had 4 new recruits, turned a show every week and hosted a mega party.  This month I have 2 more new recruits...and I believe a few more, too.  What has changed?  Why am I MORE successful now with LESS TIME & LESS ENERGY?

It's because the time I have is focused on priority items that will produce the biggest result.  My time was gone-so I started recruiting with the focus on not having time.  I set deadlines for things to be done - and got them done.  In a museum setting we have a rule - limit the times you touch an object.  Get it processed with fewer hands and time.  I found when in the museum mindset, I found I was much more efficient at my business.  Today I am at home, waiting for a repair man.  This morning I found myself aimlessly "working" on my business, instead of the concise actions I've been accustomed to.

I guess I had some bad habits, too.

Look at your business.  Have you simply forgotten your GOOD habits- like hostess coaching?  Goals? Or is the time you spend aimled on "fun" stuff, like the Facebook Jewelry Swap group????? (Big time waster, but OH SO FUN!!!)

In the month I worked the hardest on something else, my business THRIVED more than it had in years.  Focused attention produce MORE results than the "productive" days of the past.

Get focused.  Figure out what GOOD habits you've dropped.  I guarantee you need to buff up on hostess coaching.  We have HUGE customer tickets but low attendance.  Attendance being down is hostess coaching.  REVIEW, REFRESH and ENJOY the results....because your results now are simply missing good habits.  Get back into them (or if you never had them, develop them!)

See you next Monday.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Summer Blues

My kids started school today...yep, on August 5th.  Dang depressing.  I never liked school, and it's difficult for me to send them to school.  I was bullied the majority of my school career, and back then you just got through it.  Add to that the fact I hate being put inside anyone else's box...and I think you get the picture!

One thing I am NOT blue about is our new fall collection.  I've taken it on a Bling Tour, and will be in California this upcoming weekend showing it off in Mission Viejo and San Diego.  I currently have a great August lineup, and have two shows ready to be submitted; yep, life with lia sophia is pretty good. Now if only the kids didn't have to go back to school in August, right before my birthday.

Interesting how as women our emotional state tends to dictate other things we do, isn't it?  While on my "working vacation" I made a list of things to start on today - and yet I am unmotivated.  I can't seem to shake the exhaustion of the trip, nor the since of sadness that my kids have to attend school.  Rather than sit here with my coffee and sulk, I've got my pen and paper ready.  I'm making a list of the things I need to accomplish today, projects to begin & people to contact.  By making an actual list - I am held accountable to it.  These tasks need to be done - today.  So what if I don't want to make a phone call - it's on the list.  It needs to be done.

If you find yourself down, not because of business, but just the busyness of life, take time to jot down what you need to do with your business.  Make a list, check it twice.  You'll find that what brought you down feels a bit less stressful when you accomplish a few of the tasks set before you!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The First Day of the New Year

Yep, that's right!  lia sophia's fiscal year begins anew today.

Where do you see your business at the end of June?  Will you have earned the four bangle bracelets, the birthday party bracelet and privilege purchase?

How about in 3 months, at the end of summer?  Will you be closing in on earning Hawaii?

How about 6 month from now - right after Christmas.  What's your January looking like?

9 months from now - are you packing for Hawaii?

Finally, 12 months from now.  How are you entering the new conference year?  What successes will you celebrate at conference?


A fresh start, with no mistakes in it.

TODAY - what can YOU DO to make THIS the year you change your family finances for the better?

Monday, May 13, 2013

Held Hostage

We frequently call holding jewelry "hostage" if a hostess has picked something out, but we haven't given it to her yet.  We hold it "hostage" until the night of her show, hoping she'll hold her show to get the jewelry.

In this instance, being held hostage is not a bad thing.  We are hoping to ensure a good outcome.  But what about when a hostess holds YOU hostage?

It's likely because her friends are holding HER hostage.

We are enduring a phenomenon of information hostage taking like never before.  Everyone claims to be "SO BUSY" when in reality they are being held hostage by the LACK of information.

We don't know when our work schedule is.

We don't know what the t-ball schedule is.

We don't know when friend "X" will be in town.

We don't know if family "Y" is available.

When your hostess doesn't get back to you, it's because her friends and family aren't getting back to her.    Some truly are being held hostage by others, and can't get back to her.  Others are holding her hostage, as they wait to see if a better invitation comes along.

How can we combat information hostage???

Your guess is as good as mine.  Care to share your thoughts?  Or will you hold them hostage :)

Monday, April 29, 2013

Too good to be true...

So frequently, my hostesses cannot believe everything they get as a lia sophia hostess.  This month they get even more - 60% of their show total instead of 40% for $15 when they have 10 orders and 2 bookings.  For example, a hostess with an average $650 show wwith ten orders and two bookings would normally get $260 in jewelry for just $15.

This month, she gets $395!!!

Four hundred dollars in jewelry for $15.  You wonder why people are busting down doors to get on your calendar. Maybe its because it just seems too good to be true.

That makes me think of the average advisor.  She knows her leaders make big money.  It's written inside every catalog.  A unit makes $26,975 on average, a division $71,250.  So why don't they go for it??  Again, maybe its because it seems too good to be true.

Yet, it IS true!  You do get that much jewelry and you do make that much money!  Why don't we have people beating down our doors?

Good question.

I'm not certain I have the right answer.  It seems to me we need to get the word out more, perhaps?

More than a Facebook post or leaving a message - real life examples.

I think I'm going to figure out $395 in jewelry and TRY to wear it all.  I might look a bit gaudy, eh  But then everyone would know what they are getting?  Maybe?

What ideas do YOU have for getting out the word about aMAYzing May??

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Push

Did you ever say to yourself, "Gosh, it would be nice to have someone push me?"

If you're standing on a curb, you probably haven't thought that.

Or on the edge of the Grand Canyon, definitely not there.

But wouldn't it be nice in your business to get that little push from somebody else towards success?  Wouldn't it be nice if someone simply said, "I'm watching, and I know you can do it?"

Recently, I discovered I responded well to pushes from ghosts.  Well, not REAL ghosts, but people who aren't really there.  Last fall I had set a goal that one of our vice presidents had known about and encouraged me in.  He quit.  I did not.  I determined to hit that goal to prove that even though he quit, I did not.  Last week, we had an event that I admit I had not been properly inviting folks to.  Then I found out I was meeting with someone from the home office the following day.  I pushed, hard.  Had a great event.  The visitor never said a word to me about the event...and didn't have to.  I pushed myself.

Now I sit in a position were I am about to be truly pushed.  As in pushed to confront and move  forward.  I am sooooooo excited I can hardly stop thinking about it; yet I am slightly sad.  You see, I had this power all along.

I didn't need a real person to push me; I just needed the desire to push myself.  My "ghosts" were how I empowered myself to take action - neither would have known if I had failed, yet suddenly they took on larger than life significance for me.  I made myself accountable to the idea, and I did it.

Now imagine what I can do next...when pushed.

Monday, April 15, 2013

No, I didn't forget you!

Have you ever stopped to think about the hostess you have booked for two months out, yet you don't call her until the week before?  You have the audacity to be surprised when she wants to reschedule her party, don't you?

Now imagine YOU are the hostess.  You book a party out two months, because you are soooooo busy right now.  Two months go by, and you're still soooooo busy.  You haven't even thought about a jewelry party, and that piece you wanted?  What was it again?  Then this lady calls and says she's coming over next week and expects you to round up your friends by then.  What?  Hmmm...that's her number, eh?  Well, I'll just ignore that one.

If you're going to book someone that far out - you've got to stay in touch.  Whether by facebook, texting or an every other week call - it's YOUR business, and if you want it to work, then YOU have to be in control.  It's fine to book out that far (especially when your full) but in order to have a good show, you've got to stay in touch.

What is a better way, then?  When someone says "I am sooooo busy - can I host in July?"  Try this, "I understand - it seems there isn never a time when we are not busy.  Let me suggest something super easy for you.  Do you have a night free in the next two weeks?"  If yes, "I have the 10th open, too.  Why not text the three people you'd really want to come right now and see if they have that day free, too?  If they do - that's four people and a fun, simple show.  You get the inviting done tonight, and enjoy a fun, relaxed evening with friends (and free jewelry for you!) in just a week or so.  Would that work for you?"

Chances are, she'll know that she'll be just as busy in two months as she will be in two weeks, and you'll be booking in a closer show!

Calendar Control.  It's a continual process of staying on top and in control!

Monday, April 1, 2013

I love lia sophia

Why do I love lia sophia?

Why am I still with lia sophia after 10 years, and various ups and downs (that go with any career?)

I have a long-term goal:  I will leave at the top.

When I set out to do this business, I knew nothing of how party plan worked, or that I could make amazing money but simply sharing it with others.  I started in July, and the following June was my first national conference.  It was there I "got it" and saw the big picture.

I knew then I would leave at the top.

What does the top mean?  For me, it means to leave this company when I retire as a zone leader.  Obviously, I am many years from retirement.  Thus, this is clearly a very long term goal.

Yet it is this goal that keeps me going, and I made it at my first national conference.

This year, national conference is June 27-29th in Indianapolis, Indiana.  Thousands of lia sophia advisors from around the country will gather to hear first the exciting announcements from our company owner, Tory Kiam.  Two exciting days of workshops has been planned so that you can tailor make your learning experience.  Most importantly, adviosrs from around the US on our team will gather, some ready to meet their lia sophia sisters for the first time.

Conference is where you learn, grow and can see the "big picture."  Goals are made in those huge general sessions that can proudly be celebrated the next year.  Look at your schedule, and make it work.  You never know just where conference will take your business next!

Monday, March 25, 2013

So be it

Did you know that what you say is what you get?

This principle is shared by nearly every major religion, and is highly touted by success seminars and motivational guru's.  The old saying "sticks and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" is just a kind mother's advice to a picked on child.  Words (spoken by you or others) DO hurt, and its silly to pretend they don't.

So what are you saying about your business?

Our lives directly affect our attitude towards business; especially in direct sales.  When we are stressed in our family life, whether it be our marriage, our children or our home, it is reflected in what we say about our businesses.  "I can't seem to get any bookings," is more reflective of the fact that you can't seem to gain control in your personal life, that you are stressed and feeling helpless in other areas.  I met one of the company's top sellers a few weeks ago, and what I noticed was a very controlled, deliberate person.  Everything she did was done with excellence and purpose.  A group of eight of us sat in a hot tub, and she shared she worked out for two hours a day, had a schedule for her business hours and would not accept less than her goals (I would like to note, she does NOT have children.)  This focus allowed her to be the best at what she chose to do.  Her words were, "I won't accept less than 18-21 bookings a month."  Notice she said nothing about HOW she got them, or how she FELT about them.  She simply said, "I won't accept."

As women, often our lives are not what we expected.  As women, we often accept what it is as what it is.  I think this is because we are natural peace-makers, we don't want to rock the boat.  If our acceptance makes life easier, we go with that-and I honestly don't think there's anything wrong with that.  In our businesses, however, we CANNOT take that tack.  We have to choose to work, choose to learn from our mistakes, choose to make better choices and choose not to accept.  I won't accept a month with no shows.  I won't accept less than one show a week.  These are not dramatic statements, but imagine if you put your full willpower behind it.  I don't know one woman who would accept her child being bullied; she'd fight for it.  Imagine putting that kind of power into the statement, "I won't accept a month with no bookings!"

Listen to yourself.  What are you saying about your business?  Choose to not accept any words that don't speak of your success!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Dream Week/Risk

It was a bit of a chuckle that I noticed lia sophia's "Dream Week" was the week of April 15th - April 15th being Tax Day.  The day the government expects you to give to them, you can give to yourself (and your family) the freedom that comes with owning a successful lia sophia business.

Last night at my son's fencing class, a fellow parent and I talked with one of the young fencing instructors, who is in college and studying business.  The other parent is a successful architect, and the wisdom he shared I felt is applicable to every business owner:  "I'm successful not only because of dedication and hard work, but because I took risks."

For women, risk of failure, risk of "being pushy," risk of embarrassment are big risks.  We are really stepping out of the box, and asking others to judge us.  For men, this isn't really much of an issue.  For women - it's huge.  Self-esteem is an important part of our makeup.  To expose this - to risk it - is huge.

The most successful women in lia sophia have taken these risks-dared to step outside of the box, and given more.  They have chosen to accept risk as the rewards are greater than the failures.

What have YOU been unwilling to risk in your lia sophia business?  What step has been holding you back?  Examine your choices; I encourage you to sit down with someone close to you and assess your risk management.  Where can you be more bold?  What success could it bring you?

Some thought-provoking quotes on risk:

“The first step in the risk management process is to acknowledge the reality of risk. Denial is a common tactic that substitutes deliberate ignorance for thoughtful planning.” Charles Tremper

“The two important things I did learn were that you are as powerful and strong as you allow yourself to be, and that the most difficult part of any endeavour is taking the first step, making the first decision.” Robyn Davidson

“The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing, and becomes nothing. He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn and feel and change and grow and love and live.” Leo Buscaglia

“Most people can do extraordinary things if they have the confidence or take the risks. Yet most people don't. They sit in front of the telly and treat life as if it goes on forever.”  Philip Andrew Adams

Take a new look at risk.  What can it change today?  

Monday, March 11, 2013

Facts & Figures

What if I told you that you could have a full time income working just three days a week?

What if two of those days were only 4 hours each?

What if I told you that if you shared this two other people a month, who joined you in this job, that in two years you could be making a six-figure income?

It's all true been proven in the past by advisors with lia sophia. 

Using just average sales figures, by working two nights a week (that's those 4 hour days), with an average show of $650, an advisor would earn $1560 a month.  By recruiting just one additional person (who worked a minimum of once a week), and working that third day (building her business) she would earn $2340 - a full time income.  For each additional person she added who worked once a week, she'd earn another $260 a month.  Imagine sharing lia sophia with just a handful of friends, it adds up quickly.  With just two people - that's $2600.  Three - $2860.  Four - $3120.  Five - $3380.  Ten? $4680 a month.  Fifteen? $5980  How about 24 (that's two a month for a year) - $8320 a MONTH.  It gets even better when those you've recruited join you in recruiting - and then your paycheck really soars.

Welcome to leadership - where you teach just one person how to do what you do.  Then another, and another.  Your income grows as their businesses grow - party plan direct sales has been around since the 1950's and its a proven winner.  lia sophia has been around since 1971-another proven winner.  What can you make with lia sophia?  YOU are the deciding factor - no glass ceilings here.  In fact, over 80% of the women who earn over $100K a year DO IT WITH A DIRECT SALES BUSINESS.  No degree or even experience required - just determination and hard work.

Are you ready to go for it?  Get the figures and facts straight - and we just might throw in a trip to Hawaii to boot.  Aloha!

Monday, March 4, 2013

A fantastic night out!

You get a call from a friend.

"Janie!  It's been too long since we've gotten together!  Can you come over next friday?  I'm throwing a jewelry party and I would love to have you come!"

What are you going to say?

"No, I don't have any money right now."


"I'd love to come!  But be warned I have no cash, ok?  I can't wait to see you!"

Which would be your response?

Do you deny yourself free fun for the fear of not being able to control your wallet?  Leave the debit and credit cards are home (there's no temptation then!) and get over to your friend's house!

Once there, you have a great time.  It's a blast and the lady tell you that WITHOUT SPENDING A DIME, you can have a party and get free jewelry, too.

Hmmmmm...that sounds kinda fun, doesn't it?  And what's this about making some additional money, too?

When you have a jewelry party, make certain your guests know its about seeing THEM, having fun with THEM and enjoying themselves.  Don't prejudge whether they can spend.  As the guest of jewelry party - GO!!!  Leave the wallet at home if you must.  This is about having a great evening out-at no cost to you!  IT'S THE BEST WIN/WIN OUT THERE!  Now go call a friend and have a jewelry party.  You know you want to:)

Monday, February 25, 2013

You or Others?

Did you know that a business based on yourself could be the number one thing that is keeping you from succeeding?

But it's MY business, you say.  What else would I base it on?


When you say you have no bookings, or have a high cancellation rate and sluggish sales, you can bet it's because you've put the focus solely on you.

You worry you're imposing on people.
You're scared people will say no.
You "know" people won't book, so why ask.
You worry you sound "pushy."

You have put the focus solely on you and how you feel.

Successful business owners COMMIT to their business, instead of thinking about themselves.  They make it about OTHERS, and how OTHERS feel.

You want to bless others with free jewelry.
You want to give women a great evening out.
You want to let women know about the chance to make more money.

Notice, you WANT.  Wanting is a CHOICE.  You WANT to give.  Not receive, not take - but GIVE. That's where the root of success is.  So ask yourself - do I want to give to others, or has this been all about me?  The choice is yours.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Three baskets broken

I didn't put my eggs in one basket, I put them in three.  Then I crashed and all three baskets fell and I lost all the eggs.

Ever had something like that happen to you?

To make matters worse, I think I skinned both knees and caught a cold.  Plus, someone pushed me down when I tried to stand, and the eggs got on my clothes and dirtied them.  My hair is crazy (literally, I got a bad "body wave"), my personal business line up is in shambles and I've fallen and I can't get up.

Or can I?

Truth is, sometimes we don't want to.  It's much easier to complain and whine, and even feel sorry for ourselves.  I do have one show lined up....and could get more.  With ease.  It's just far easier to lie here and complain.

This is were most advisors lose their business.  Rather than accept that sometimes things just don't work out as you plan, they simply quit.  As a leader, I don't have that option.  You see, this is the secret of moving to leadership and staying there:  failure is not an option.

My favorite coffee mug states, "I don't believe in the no win scenario."  It's true, I don't.  I look at the three messy broken baskets of eggs and still see the benefits.  Three advisors benefitted,  and that's more important than just me.  I know how to get more bookings.  They are still learning.  If the bookings go to them, it benefits their businesses, which in turn benefits mine.  By being duplicatable and splitting the costs, I'm really not out anything and will more than break even.  It forces me to focus on building a new plan, and actually sets me up to work Horseshoe University right beside my advisors.

Broken eggs don't ruin clothes...I just have to wash them and the clothes will be good as new.  Bloodied knees can be cleaned up and they will heal.  The cold will go away in a few days, and as for my hair - it just takes longer to blow it out (and the results are lovely when I take the time.)  Do you see the pattern?  Clean up the mess, take time to reorganize and heal.  You'll be ok, and so will your business.  Don't give up...the best is yet to be!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Are you committed?

Are you willing to COMMIT to making your business work?

COMMIT means you will be creative, confident, joyful, listening, calm, unstoppable, playful, interested, flexible, at ease, loving, responsible & be ABOUT OTHERS in your business.

Committing to business means you let go of your ego, and no longer let it be about you.  Fear of failure, fear of rejection, worry, hurts, disappointments, resentment, upset, desperate, "salesy," defensive, pushy (or fear of being perceived as pushy)--these are all symptoms of a business mindset that's all about you.

But you say right now you don't have any bookings?  How can you restart your booking lineup?

Well - everyone starts this business with zero bookings, right?  When you first started you had NO experience, and yet you managed to line up those first shows.  Why?  Because you were COMMITTED.  Your excitement poured over in confidence, joy playfulness, interest and you were excited to show others your beautiful jewels.

It's a choice to be committed once again, but what a positive choice it is.

If you are committed to growing your business, if you find joy, flexibility & being about others appealing - then you'll find that running out of bookings is just another opportunity to bless those around you who you didn't know well before with beautiful jewelry.  Our hostess plan makes this win/win.  Instead of listening to the voice in your head telling you everyone will say no, you have to commit to asking those around you.  You have to be accountable to someone who knows your goals.    You have to make the decision to change from past habits to new good habits.

Let's chat some more in the coming weeks with just how to go about that.

Monday, February 4, 2013

The $1000 challenge

If someone offered you $1000 to loose 15 lbs in one month, would you do it?

What if they offered you $5000?

I asked this question on Facebook, with numerous responses.

"Easy!  The first ten is water, add in cardio and I'm there!"

"If I won't do it for health, I wouldn't do it for money..."

"Pills!  Easy!"

"I'd be too thin if I lost 15 lbs..."

"Not for a million dollars, I've never lost 15 lbs in a month"

"I would lose 15 without getting paid IF I could!"

"A week of detox and then healthy eating & exercise...it would be great motivation and could get me in the habit to keep it up."

Different people at different weights had to weigh their personal sacrifices against huge potential reward - and it was double fold, not only money, but the lost weight.  Some refused to consider it.  Some thought it easy.  Others brought a plan.  Still others brought in outside aids.

With lia sophia, you can have $1000 EVERY month if you do one average party a week.  It takes mental discipline, and let's be honest, its uncomfortable learning how to ask for shows.  The income potential, however, is more than worth it to some people.  For others, no money would be enough incentive.

I encourage you to look at your business right now, right were it is.  Have you grown complacent?  Are you unwilling to get your business into shape because its too hard, you've tried before and failed?  Or do you fear loosing your business if you work it more?  Or are you ready to take it by the horns, and make it work?

With lia sophia, it's not just $1000.  It can easily be $5000, or much more.  The more you exercise good building principles, the bigger it grows in health and productivity.  Honestly assess your business today.  Is it healthy?  If not, what changes need to be made by you?  What are the rewards?  No one else can change your business, just like no one else can help you loose weight.  If you need ideas and encouragement, give me a call.  But only you can make the changes, the habits, the plan, the work ethic to make it possible.  Go for it!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Conception: It's more than biology

Conception - it can be a deliberate act, or it can take you completely by surprise.  Regardless of whether planned or not, certain things had to happen for conception to take place:  namely timing, willingness & being partnered with someone else.

Whether a baby or a business, conception is the first step.  No one becomes successful in business overnight...it takes time.  Months pass before you start to see any sign that something is growing, and even then, there are ups and downs.  Birth can be the actual opening of your business or the rebirth of your business after a dry spell.  Either way, it takes TIME from conception to reality.  So how do you conceive in business, namely lia sophia?

In lia sophia, your TIMING is perfect.  Whether you are just joining or have been around for years, this new catalog is a recruiting magnet.  The price point is perfect for the casual observer to glance through it and say, "yeah, I could sell that!"  In addition, the price point will encourage more people to host shows, knowing their friends can afford it.  As a result, higher ticket sales as people take full advantage of buy two, get four at half off.

WILLINGNESS is up to you...you have to want to grow in order to even conceive.  Some girls are having so much fun, they don't even realize conception has taken place-it comes naturally to them.  Others, its a dedicated effort.  Everyone is different!  Just as we took different paths to motherhood, there are different paths to leadership.  Willingness to get there is essential - as is not giving up when the going gets tough.

PARTNERING...you need two to make a baby, and you need many more than two to make a successful business!  Whether you partner with your real life-partner as your moral support, your upline leader for business guidance, or your family and friends to help you with those first few critical shows - you must have partners in this journey.  Asking a friend to join you in the business is an excellent place to start.

Timing, willingness & partnership...these always equal conception.  What success can you conceive for your business today?

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Why you should join lia sophia...

I joined lia sophia 10 1/2 years  ago because this little voice in my head said, "You can do this," as I admired sparkly bracelets on my wrist at a jewelry party.  I knew I could make money selling these pretty gems.

Most women join because they love the jewelry, and the 70% off discount they get.

One woman I know joined lia sophia to repair her roof.

Another woman joined because she was lonely.

Some women join to get away from their kids.

Other women join to stay at home with their kids.

Then there was the woman who had a secret.  Her husband was abusive.  She joined lia sophia at first to get out of the house.  As she made money, she began setting aside.  When she had enough, she left the man who had belittled and hurt her.  She started a fresh life for herself and her children.

Why did you join lia sophia?  Take a moment to go back to that decision.  Is the reason still the same?  Different?  Why you joined lia sophia might not be why someone else joins lia sophia.  It's important to highlight the many benefits of joining, even if they aren't the reason you joined.  For years I told people about the money they could make, because that is why I joined.  Imagine my surprise when a survey showed most women joined for the jewelry!  So I changed my presentation, and made sure to highlight the jewelry, and the money (and the time away or with the kids, the free travel, the dreams that can come true...the list goes on & on!)  At your parties and with the women you meet who say, "ooh, I love that necklace!" make certain to share WHY you joined lia sophia.  You will be surprised at the number of women who will want to learn more!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

We got a new dog!

This weekend, we went and got a dog.

I've had a dog before...Buffy was the family poodle most of my growing up years, and after I married, Tyrone was our "first child."  It's been 16 years since I've had a dog though, so the addition of Bowie Kovacs is quite the game changer.

What in the world does this have to do with lia sophia, right?

Over the course of the adoption, I met several women volunteers who adored our Bowie and cried tears of joy that he had found his forever home (he had been overlooked at the pound for five long months!)  So I gave them my business card so they could look up Bowie on Facebook.  Yep, my lia sophia business card.  Everyone smiled and said they'd check it out.  Obedience classes are high on the list of things to schedule this week - and how much do you want to bet, I'll meet more women there, too?

My point is - are you taking advantage of situations when you meet new people?  Are you connecting with them and then introducing them to your jewelry?  Not one of the women I met today was offended or put out - they enjoyed the fact that I had something to offer them.  If they take me up on it, fine; if not, fine.  The point is - connect.  Make new friends.  Step out of your shell.  Use an unique situation meeting new people and make it more special.  Your business card is a natural way to ask people to stay in touch-even if you aren't talking about the jewelry when you hand it over, you certainly will by the time you're done.  Remember, every girl loves a little Bling!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Annual Football Review

It's our annual football review, as my favorite college football team, the Michigan Wolverines, take the field this week on New Year's Day in the Outback Bowl.  This year I was disappointed with my boys in blue from day one; my sis-in-law, cousin & I had all met in Dallas to cheer them on in the Cowboy Classic.  We tailgated in 100+ degree weather and expected to see our team on fire and ready to challenge the reigning National Champions, Alabama.  What we saw for our troubles?  A poorly played, uninspiring game which we lost, 41-14.

Let's just say I really didn't care too much for the rest of the season.  Yeah, they won a lot of games, and had a decent year, but that first game really dimmed it for me.  My emotional response to the experience affected how I felt about Team 133 - and not much could change that.

How often in business we let our emotions dictate our reactions!  For example, we have a hostess who cancels last minute.  Our feelings are hurt because we really needed that show.  Sound familiar?  WE then began questioning why we do the business, why we even bother to care...the list goes on and on.  We let the poor organization skills of one woman literally put us out of business because of our FEELINGS.

With football, there's always next year.  Team 134 will take the field in the Big House on Aug. 31, 2013, and all will be forgotten.  With lia sophia, we have to remind ourselves that there's always another show.  If its not on the books, then we have to put on our big girl panties and go find it.  Your business destiny is entirely based on what you do.  So make a decision that 2013 is another show, a new show.  Get in the game by taking control of your business, and not letting the actions of others have an effect!