Monday, April 29, 2013

Too good to be true...

So frequently, my hostesses cannot believe everything they get as a lia sophia hostess.  This month they get even more - 60% of their show total instead of 40% for $15 when they have 10 orders and 2 bookings.  For example, a hostess with an average $650 show wwith ten orders and two bookings would normally get $260 in jewelry for just $15.

This month, she gets $395!!!

Four hundred dollars in jewelry for $15.  You wonder why people are busting down doors to get on your calendar. Maybe its because it just seems too good to be true.

That makes me think of the average advisor.  She knows her leaders make big money.  It's written inside every catalog.  A unit makes $26,975 on average, a division $71,250.  So why don't they go for it??  Again, maybe its because it seems too good to be true.

Yet, it IS true!  You do get that much jewelry and you do make that much money!  Why don't we have people beating down our doors?

Good question.

I'm not certain I have the right answer.  It seems to me we need to get the word out more, perhaps?

More than a Facebook post or leaving a message - real life examples.

I think I'm going to figure out $395 in jewelry and TRY to wear it all.  I might look a bit gaudy, eh  But then everyone would know what they are getting?  Maybe?

What ideas do YOU have for getting out the word about aMAYzing May??

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Push

Did you ever say to yourself, "Gosh, it would be nice to have someone push me?"

If you're standing on a curb, you probably haven't thought that.

Or on the edge of the Grand Canyon, definitely not there.

But wouldn't it be nice in your business to get that little push from somebody else towards success?  Wouldn't it be nice if someone simply said, "I'm watching, and I know you can do it?"

Recently, I discovered I responded well to pushes from ghosts.  Well, not REAL ghosts, but people who aren't really there.  Last fall I had set a goal that one of our vice presidents had known about and encouraged me in.  He quit.  I did not.  I determined to hit that goal to prove that even though he quit, I did not.  Last week, we had an event that I admit I had not been properly inviting folks to.  Then I found out I was meeting with someone from the home office the following day.  I pushed, hard.  Had a great event.  The visitor never said a word to me about the event...and didn't have to.  I pushed myself.

Now I sit in a position were I am about to be truly pushed.  As in pushed to confront and move  forward.  I am sooooooo excited I can hardly stop thinking about it; yet I am slightly sad.  You see, I had this power all along.

I didn't need a real person to push me; I just needed the desire to push myself.  My "ghosts" were how I empowered myself to take action - neither would have known if I had failed, yet suddenly they took on larger than life significance for me.  I made myself accountable to the idea, and I did it.

Now imagine what I can do next...when pushed.

Monday, April 15, 2013

No, I didn't forget you!

Have you ever stopped to think about the hostess you have booked for two months out, yet you don't call her until the week before?  You have the audacity to be surprised when she wants to reschedule her party, don't you?

Now imagine YOU are the hostess.  You book a party out two months, because you are soooooo busy right now.  Two months go by, and you're still soooooo busy.  You haven't even thought about a jewelry party, and that piece you wanted?  What was it again?  Then this lady calls and says she's coming over next week and expects you to round up your friends by then.  What?  Hmmm...that's her number, eh?  Well, I'll just ignore that one.

If you're going to book someone that far out - you've got to stay in touch.  Whether by facebook, texting or an every other week call - it's YOUR business, and if you want it to work, then YOU have to be in control.  It's fine to book out that far (especially when your full) but in order to have a good show, you've got to stay in touch.

What is a better way, then?  When someone says "I am sooooo busy - can I host in July?"  Try this, "I understand - it seems there isn never a time when we are not busy.  Let me suggest something super easy for you.  Do you have a night free in the next two weeks?"  If yes, "I have the 10th open, too.  Why not text the three people you'd really want to come right now and see if they have that day free, too?  If they do - that's four people and a fun, simple show.  You get the inviting done tonight, and enjoy a fun, relaxed evening with friends (and free jewelry for you!) in just a week or so.  Would that work for you?"

Chances are, she'll know that she'll be just as busy in two months as she will be in two weeks, and you'll be booking in a closer show!

Calendar Control.  It's a continual process of staying on top and in control!

Monday, April 1, 2013

I love lia sophia

Why do I love lia sophia?

Why am I still with lia sophia after 10 years, and various ups and downs (that go with any career?)

I have a long-term goal:  I will leave at the top.

When I set out to do this business, I knew nothing of how party plan worked, or that I could make amazing money but simply sharing it with others.  I started in July, and the following June was my first national conference.  It was there I "got it" and saw the big picture.

I knew then I would leave at the top.

What does the top mean?  For me, it means to leave this company when I retire as a zone leader.  Obviously, I am many years from retirement.  Thus, this is clearly a very long term goal.

Yet it is this goal that keeps me going, and I made it at my first national conference.

This year, national conference is June 27-29th in Indianapolis, Indiana.  Thousands of lia sophia advisors from around the country will gather to hear first the exciting announcements from our company owner, Tory Kiam.  Two exciting days of workshops has been planned so that you can tailor make your learning experience.  Most importantly, adviosrs from around the US on our team will gather, some ready to meet their lia sophia sisters for the first time.

Conference is where you learn, grow and can see the "big picture."  Goals are made in those huge general sessions that can proudly be celebrated the next year.  Look at your schedule, and make it work.  You never know just where conference will take your business next!