Monday, February 25, 2013

You or Others?

Did you know that a business based on yourself could be the number one thing that is keeping you from succeeding?

But it's MY business, you say.  What else would I base it on?


When you say you have no bookings, or have a high cancellation rate and sluggish sales, you can bet it's because you've put the focus solely on you.

You worry you're imposing on people.
You're scared people will say no.
You "know" people won't book, so why ask.
You worry you sound "pushy."

You have put the focus solely on you and how you feel.

Successful business owners COMMIT to their business, instead of thinking about themselves.  They make it about OTHERS, and how OTHERS feel.

You want to bless others with free jewelry.
You want to give women a great evening out.
You want to let women know about the chance to make more money.

Notice, you WANT.  Wanting is a CHOICE.  You WANT to give.  Not receive, not take - but GIVE. That's where the root of success is.  So ask yourself - do I want to give to others, or has this been all about me?  The choice is yours.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Three baskets broken

I didn't put my eggs in one basket, I put them in three.  Then I crashed and all three baskets fell and I lost all the eggs.

Ever had something like that happen to you?

To make matters worse, I think I skinned both knees and caught a cold.  Plus, someone pushed me down when I tried to stand, and the eggs got on my clothes and dirtied them.  My hair is crazy (literally, I got a bad "body wave"), my personal business line up is in shambles and I've fallen and I can't get up.

Or can I?

Truth is, sometimes we don't want to.  It's much easier to complain and whine, and even feel sorry for ourselves.  I do have one show lined up....and could get more.  With ease.  It's just far easier to lie here and complain.

This is were most advisors lose their business.  Rather than accept that sometimes things just don't work out as you plan, they simply quit.  As a leader, I don't have that option.  You see, this is the secret of moving to leadership and staying there:  failure is not an option.

My favorite coffee mug states, "I don't believe in the no win scenario."  It's true, I don't.  I look at the three messy broken baskets of eggs and still see the benefits.  Three advisors benefitted,  and that's more important than just me.  I know how to get more bookings.  They are still learning.  If the bookings go to them, it benefits their businesses, which in turn benefits mine.  By being duplicatable and splitting the costs, I'm really not out anything and will more than break even.  It forces me to focus on building a new plan, and actually sets me up to work Horseshoe University right beside my advisors.

Broken eggs don't ruin clothes...I just have to wash them and the clothes will be good as new.  Bloodied knees can be cleaned up and they will heal.  The cold will go away in a few days, and as for my hair - it just takes longer to blow it out (and the results are lovely when I take the time.)  Do you see the pattern?  Clean up the mess, take time to reorganize and heal.  You'll be ok, and so will your business.  Don't give up...the best is yet to be!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Are you committed?

Are you willing to COMMIT to making your business work?

COMMIT means you will be creative, confident, joyful, listening, calm, unstoppable, playful, interested, flexible, at ease, loving, responsible & be ABOUT OTHERS in your business.

Committing to business means you let go of your ego, and no longer let it be about you.  Fear of failure, fear of rejection, worry, hurts, disappointments, resentment, upset, desperate, "salesy," defensive, pushy (or fear of being perceived as pushy)--these are all symptoms of a business mindset that's all about you.

But you say right now you don't have any bookings?  How can you restart your booking lineup?

Well - everyone starts this business with zero bookings, right?  When you first started you had NO experience, and yet you managed to line up those first shows.  Why?  Because you were COMMITTED.  Your excitement poured over in confidence, joy playfulness, interest and you were excited to show others your beautiful jewels.

It's a choice to be committed once again, but what a positive choice it is.

If you are committed to growing your business, if you find joy, flexibility & being about others appealing - then you'll find that running out of bookings is just another opportunity to bless those around you who you didn't know well before with beautiful jewelry.  Our hostess plan makes this win/win.  Instead of listening to the voice in your head telling you everyone will say no, you have to commit to asking those around you.  You have to be accountable to someone who knows your goals.    You have to make the decision to change from past habits to new good habits.

Let's chat some more in the coming weeks with just how to go about that.

Monday, February 4, 2013

The $1000 challenge

If someone offered you $1000 to loose 15 lbs in one month, would you do it?

What if they offered you $5000?

I asked this question on Facebook, with numerous responses.

"Easy!  The first ten is water, add in cardio and I'm there!"

"If I won't do it for health, I wouldn't do it for money..."

"Pills!  Easy!"

"I'd be too thin if I lost 15 lbs..."

"Not for a million dollars, I've never lost 15 lbs in a month"

"I would lose 15 without getting paid IF I could!"

"A week of detox and then healthy eating & would be great motivation and could get me in the habit to keep it up."

Different people at different weights had to weigh their personal sacrifices against huge potential reward - and it was double fold, not only money, but the lost weight.  Some refused to consider it.  Some thought it easy.  Others brought a plan.  Still others brought in outside aids.

With lia sophia, you can have $1000 EVERY month if you do one average party a week.  It takes mental discipline, and let's be honest, its uncomfortable learning how to ask for shows.  The income potential, however, is more than worth it to some people.  For others, no money would be enough incentive.

I encourage you to look at your business right now, right were it is.  Have you grown complacent?  Are you unwilling to get your business into shape because its too hard, you've tried before and failed?  Or do you fear loosing your business if you work it more?  Or are you ready to take it by the horns, and make it work?

With lia sophia, it's not just $1000.  It can easily be $5000, or much more.  The more you exercise good building principles, the bigger it grows in health and productivity.  Honestly assess your business today.  Is it healthy?  If not, what changes need to be made by you?  What are the rewards?  No one else can change your business, just like no one else can help you loose weight.  If you need ideas and encouragement, give me a call.  But only you can make the changes, the habits, the plan, the work ethic to make it possible.  Go for it!