Monday, October 31, 2011

No surprise, eh?

Fall is flying...literally and figuratively!  With the new house, new schools, new schedules and wow-new state the days do not seem long enough.  Fortunately, the promised milder weather is holding true; today the high should be 72.  Not too bad for the last day of October to this Michigan-raised girl!

How is business?  Well, I've had to scramble.  In September I flew back to Michigan twice for meetings and shows-and at the end of that round of frequent flying decided on a break.  While I have continually been doing shows in Michigan, that hasn't helped my Arizona show line-up.  Add to that the fact that the longest I'd lived in Arizona at anyone point was only 3 weeks and 3 days...and that was when I visited at age 18!  There was a desperate need to put down strong ties to this New Hometown, so I made arrangements for the next meeting and Michigan shows be taken over by those long in the business and well able to handle them.

My October lineup of 5 shows dwindled with the normal whining about how no one had any money right now.  (Please note, I held and turned in 3, despite the whining and 4 of the 5 shows canceling - yes, I did my own show!)  With one week to go to November, I had no line-up.  None in Arizona, none in Michigan.  Sure, I had prospects, but nothing dated.  Time to get resourceful once again.

I booked a Senior Citizen's health fair with just 5 days notice.  It cost me $100 plus $75 in jewelry for the prizes the center would give out.  With that cost in mind, I determined I needed 5 shows...knowing full well that senior citizens do NOT like to host parties!

After setting up at the event, I quickly distributed catalogs to EVERY vendor there.  I let them know I was new in town, and what the October sale was, plus the fact I'd give them a free piece of jewelry if they booked a show (from my treasure chest.)  From this, I was able to host my own catalog show with the orders I received (so I got the Amplified earrings for free as hostess!!  Yipee!!)  I booked 4 shows with vendors (two during office hours!) and one happy little old lady who still loves to do shows!  Being a good girl, I booked them in tight and have them all lined up before 11/15.

Once again, I've had nothing lined up and had to rebuild.  Once again, I've looked for a solution, thought a bit outside of the box, and made it work.  Looking back, I wish I had handed every vendor an ORDER FORM with the catalog!  I am still thrilled with how well a Health Fair could go-but it was really because I knew my target was the female vendors.  When we go to craft fairs and the like, how often do we share our products with them?  One huge benefit was the fact that the other vendors were not personally selling a product, they had a service and (in general) they were employees of a company, not the business person themselves.  Being employed, they had money to spend and were interested in hosting a show-which is a target customer/hostess!!

When left with nothing - get back to basics and then rework them to get the MOST out of them.  I learned late in the vendor fair that the fact I am new was actually a plus-women wanted to help me out.  Take advantage of the things going on in your life-not for sympathy, but for mere fact.  If you started out lia sophia awhile ago and life got crazy (you had a baby, you moved, new job, etc) let your friends know that's why you need their help again in restarting.  People do understand :)

No matter what trials and obstacles you face in your business, you can make it work.  Ups and downs should be no surprise-they are normal cycles in our business.  As the economy improves, those of us with solid businesses will be the ones to move up the ladder of success in the next cycle...where will you be??

Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Great Computer Crash

Let me start by saying go get Carbonite.

Run as fast as you can and back up EVERYTHING.

As June came to a close and July begun, I had several busy weeks of travel back to the midwest while moving into our new house.

The house which was already home to one packrat, several centipedes and God only knows how many spiders and ants!!

Not only did we move into a home to which the exterminator is now invited to Thanksgiving dinner we know him so well, but we had little furniture (having sold our old stuff to avoid the cost of moving it) and NO computers.

At first, it was Qwest's fault; it took them a week to hook up our internet. Then it was the Mac's fault, for going haywire and crashing its hard drive (mind you, the laptop had already fried its power cord, and was resisting mating with a new one!)  We were restored to the laptop less than a week ago, and the hard working Mac is recovering with its Carbonite download (going on 5 days now.  Apparently we live on the frontier; our internet connection is soooooo slow!)

So how does one stay in business without a computer?  Ingenuity?  More simple - I borrowed a friend's computer for a week.  Wasn't easy not having a single file or report already downloaded (and I still cannot manager Constant Contact without my trusty Mac) but I managed.  Still worked on my business, still connected with my team.

The moral of the story?  Life happens.  Just make sure your business keeps happening with it!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Cowgirl Up!

"Be your own woman, make your own path, and take responsibility for who you are and what you do."

Went cowboy hat shopping today for conference (yes, I am wearing a hat!) and saw repeatedly the phrase, "Cowgirl Up!"  Intrigued, I had to look up the urban reference; how apt it is to lia sophia!

No matter what is going on in my life, I alone am responsible for my personal business.  As many of you know, I am in the middle of a move--I may live in my New Hometown but our house is not yet ready!  Add to this my mother has been having serious, horrid health issues 2000 miles away and one child is still in get the picture.

Today I struggled for an hour to make a paper invitation for a hostess that would have taken me 3 minutes on my other computer.  I so badly wanted to quit and go to bed, but I kept at it.  The end result was actually lovely, and I now have a nice template on this computer to use.  But the struggle to do it!  The stress of the day insisted I should quit, but my business mind insisted I not.  In essence, I "cowgirled up."

In life, we each have our struggles.  What we do to deal with them is different from person to person, but in the end, only you have the final say as to what you personally do.  Tonight I wanted to give up.  They were silly invites I could finish in the morning.  Afterall, my mother was in the ER back home, and I couldn't be expected to finish, right?  Wrong.  The work got done, and it looks good.  The secret to a successful business?  Cowgirl up.  Work when you'd rather not.  Do what is right by your hostess because its your job.  Stop making excuses and get going.

 Another benefit to Cowgirl Up?

You get to wear boots.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Dreams from the past

Today I made a hike with my two youngest children that I had last made 21 years ago while visiting this area.  My New Hometown is in fact the place I have hoped to live for the past 24 years; my best friend's grandparents live here (to this day!  In their 90's and still able to live on their own!) and we would come out together to visit them.  I immediately fell in love with hiking the local mountains.

This morning I was in a poopy mood; wondering if we'd made some colossal mistake in moving.  I decided to through the kids in the car to go hiking...only I couldn't find my day pack.  Water is a hot commodity while hiking, so this was not good.  Determined to make the best of a gorgeous day, I grabbed three water bottles and we headed out.

We ended up hiking a local landmark, which involves a 1200 ft. climb.  Now, I am NOT in good shape, so I was sucking down the water pretty quick!  When we reached the summit and took a break, I recalled sitting here 21 years ago and wishing I could move here.  Now I have...and it is amazing to be living that dream come true.  Yes, I cannot find anything when I need it & there are so many unknowns.  But I was able to pick up my business, move 2000 miles and expect no loss of income!  Who else can do that?  What company is designed to let you follow your dreams, wherever they may be?

Once again, I have been blessed by lia sophia.  I thank God for bringing this company into my life, and I love what it can provide to other women.  What is a dream you had long ago?  Go for it.  I'm finding its never too late to change everything!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Destination: What?

I have arrived in New Hometown, and was faced with the unexpected task of cleaning up the cottage my husband has called home the past two months.  Now home to four of us (the eldest daughter remains in our home state to complete here school year and await the closing on our new home) it needed a quick clean-up before anything remotely business could be done!

So what do I discover my first morning in my New Hometown?  My email service has been cut off a week early!  Our former provider does not offer service here, and although arrangements have been made to transfer my account to a friend's, all information is currently lost to me.  This would happen to be the email I use for contacting hostesses....sigh!

One thing I have learned:  when you can't change it, make the best of it.  I have spent the morning changing what I can, and have hope it will work out.  Why not hope?  Worse case is information lost.  No one has died, and those who really need to contact me have my cell phone, right?? (I hope!)

Time to take a break, and walk my kids down to the park.  One of the biggest perks of this job is the fact I control my time.  The kids need a break, and I can take the time to give it to them.  Needless to say, I love my job!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

When things don't quite go as planned...

So, yeah.  Things the past two weeks have not been fun, and I have discovered an entirely new set of muscles in my back that I did not know that I owned!  Of the four shows I had, I did one, dovetailed two, and had a hostess totally disappear on me.  Not a cancellation, but flake out and not even acknowledge my repeated calls as her party date drew near.  This was particularly disappointing as she had been super excited when I did her calls right up until the week of the party - when she simply stopped answering.  Sigh!  I purposely had NOT packed my jewelry and supplies on the moving truck in anticipation of her show, ow it was all going in my overpacked vehicle for a weeks trip out west!

During this two week period I did not have any contact with my new hostesses in my New Hometown, BUT I did manage to snag a new recruit!  I had changed my address within the system a week before I left because they were mailing out conference registration and I wanted it to go to my new mailing address.  Imagine my surprise when I received a call expressing interest in the business from my new state!  We will meet the Sunday after I get there to plan her starter show; this adds to my busy schedule, but I am excited to hit the ground running (literally!)

Have things gone perfectly?  No, far from it.  I messed up an order (ordered earrings instead of a necklace), lost a show and had one dovetail go awry.  I did manage to get on the web class (attendance was poor though, and I blame myself for not doing more to get people on) and my big meeting--well, let's hope I can pull that off!  In the end, I know I have done what I could, and have managed to give my business at least a small portion of my time every day.  Sometimes that's all it takes - a little consistency and the knowledge that it has to have some priority.  Here's hoping it will still have some attention as I make my four day drive!

Monday, June 6, 2011

But then LIFE gets in the way...

I returned home with success written all over my calendar, AND a purchase contract on my Michigan home.  Before you knew it, we had a close date a little more than two weeks away!

What happens to your business when life gets in the way?  I had four show booked during that two week time period, and had to make hostess coaching a priority despite being very distracted and very overwhelmed.  I had seven years of accumulated "stuff" to sort through and pack, children to accommodate and still a business to run.  My saving graces?  Sunday night & Monday.

Every Sunday evening for several years, I have made hostess coaching calls.  Most people are home, and it gives me the opportunity to plan for the week by reviewing my calendar, and fill in holes.  On Mondays I spend the morning working on business for the week, often finishing tasks like invitations, etc. before noon.  I kept these times the same despite my busyness; it was necessary to keep working my business if I wanted to stay in business!

In addition, I recognized when I was in over my head.  After completing a Thursday evening show, I knew by Saturday that I could not do my Sunday show with any sense of sanity!  I called the hostess and approved sending another advisor, and then asked another advisor to take the show.  We did a dovetail; where the show was still entered in my name, but she took the bookings (a win-win, as I didn't need any Michigan bookings!)  Quickly I realized my following Thursday show was also in jeopardy, and dovetailed that one as well.  I kept my plans to do the following week's Saturday show.

Then my mother was admitted to the hospital after weeks of debilitating health.  Now we have a house to sort through, a sick mother, a garage sale (we decided to sell anything and everything) and a business to run.  Oh, and a meeting to plan and a web class to attend...and did I mention the all-day field trip?

Yes, life happens.  It happens to all of us.  The important thing is to not loose focus.  Keep doing the regular habits you'd already developed in your business, regardless of your life.  You'll often find its the only 20 minutes of sanity in your day!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

So what about your networking idea??

Did I also mention the four future bookings from other vendors, and the eight coffee dates I set up?

I made no secret of the fact I was new in town.  I let the other vendors know that I had secured eight bookings with the customers, and that I wanted to promote their business to those customers, too.  You see, at these events and expos you need to realize that you and other vendors have the SAME customer, but you are selling them different products.  They need both of you, so why not work together?

Rather than trying to hammer out business details right then and there, I asked if they'd like to have coffee in a few weeks, to go over some business ideas that could be profitable to both of us.  All of them said yes, and four said they'd love to schedule a show when I got to town.  Here's were I regretted bringing only twenty catalogs!

For my next event, I will PREPARE a vendor packet of information!  These little packets (with a gift attached, of course!) will be specifically for other vendors.  Everyone loves a present, so why not bless those you wish to have further business with?  In the meantime, since returning home, I am taking a little time to write a quick note, letting them know it was a pleasure to met them and I look forward to their future acquaintance.  I am then adding a little reminder - a coupon for any item in the current catalog (up to $100) for free when they host a qualified show with me.   I am now even more excited about the move - as I think I will find a few potential friends in the mix!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The BIG Day!

Expo morning was exciting - unlike the day before when I was craving time with my husband!  Having had a nice evening with him, I was ready to take on my New Hometown - time to tackle my future business.  (For those of you with no business lined up - find yourself a local expo.  You can turn your entire business around with the same principles I am sharing with you today.  It is NEVER too late to make your business a success!)

Hubby and I went for coffee, and sitting in the bright sunshine of New Hometown I felt blessed and a bit nervous.  My last expo had been four months earlier, and I had secured 13 bookings from the 200 in attendance.  I knew this expo would have limited attendance (I was expecting perhaps 50) but I was counting on my new networking idea to bring in extra bookings as well.  Time would tell.

Right away, I faced challenges.  Like lots of stairs.  First in the parking garage, then at the hotel.  My little carry-on weighed about 50 lbs!  Then there's the nerves as you are setting up, and you don't know a soul in the room!  The questions of do you know such-and-such advisor, who does really well in sales here (really?  Then why doesn't she come up in an advisor search??  And speaking of the advisor locator, excuse me while I go change my info with lia sophia!!! lol!!!)  It's like being under a microscope!  Thankfully, my mother had taught me at the age of seventeen that a smile goes a very long way.  So I smiled.  I got my jewelry set up, and chatted with a few vendors.  One vendor arrived late, having gotten her times mixed up, so I helped her set up. 

The first customer at my table loved the jewelry, and loved the idea of booking a show.  This is despite the fact that I stumbled through my presentation, and surely overdid it!  Feeling immensely better, my presentation got smoother each time.  By the end of the day, I had EIGHT bookings from just 25 customers.

I think the key here was I had a planned presentation.  I knew what I wanted to say to the expo attendee, and I had a promo item on hand that broke the ice (they bridal bubbles caused tremendous fits of giggles!  I would hand the customer a bottle and tell them I didn't want them to blow their budget-they would then figure out I'd handed them a bottle of bubbles and the smile would break out on their face!)  I would tell them EXACTLY what I was offering (If you book a show today you will receive THIS item today to take home and THIS item the night of your show).  I also assured them that if the date we set didn't work, they could change the date - but no one walked away with a catalog and hostess packet unless I had a date.  Finally, I had a smile on my face the entire time.  Sometimes I think that smile has more power than we think!

Friday, May 20, 2011

The little your EMOTIONS??

Saturday was chocked full of getting ready for the expo, but by afternoon, I really wanted to see my man.  Afterall, it had been three weeks apart, and me working on the expo could kinda be a killjoy, don't you think?

So by evening,  I was really NOT wanting to finish up the work, and really wanting to focus on my hubby.  I really didn't want to do the expo, either, I just wanted to be with him!

How often do we let our emotional wants get in the way of our business needs?  We use the excuse of our family to put off what we KNOW our business needs.  In my case, I KNEW this was my best shot at establishing immediate bookings in my New Hometown, and yet my emotions told me it would be ok to blow off.   I'm not saying to blow off your family, or to put your business before them.  I just saying we have to recognize that we sabotage our businesses by not making them one of our priorities.  No one will argue with your family being a priority, yet repeatedly I hear women NOT making their business a priority, and then wondering why their businesses failed!  In life, you have to balance family and work, and recognizing the fact you use emotions and family as excuses NOT to do business is a major thing.

When it came down to finishing up for Saturday evening, it took me about 15 minutes to repack a carry-on suitcase with catalogs, promo items and the jewelry.  I made the decision not to label my catalogs that night (and only packed two packs of catalogs - big mistake) and once everything was done, we went out to dinner and enjoyed a stress-free night.  Fifteen minutes was all it took to get my priorities lined up for the evening, and I felt better about the next day having had quality time with my husband that evening.  Very often, that's all it takes.  Fifteen minutes of packing up bags, fifteen minutes of hostess coaching, fifteen minutes of calls.  By giving your business just fifteen minutes you'll find it takes nothing away from your family time - and you'll actually enjoy that time MORE because you know the business has been taken care of!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Promos on the Run :-)

Now equipped with the necessary labeling and display pieces, I need 50 promo items to hand out.  I know I saw a Michaels on the south side of the highway, so I take off to the east, scanning the right side.  When the road suddenly changes and there is nothing but a tall rocky mountain on the right side of the road, I realize I missed the store, and head further east to Hobby Lobby.

Now Hobby Lobby has got to be one of the greatest stores on the planet when you are in direct sales.  There are so many items you can take and create into ways to book parties, its simply amazing.  Thankfully, it was Bridal Bash week - and all wedding items were half-off (if you wait long enough, everything will be half off at Hobby Lobby.  In fact, it may be a sin to pay full price for anything there!)  Wedding items work wonderfully for the jewelry business - the BLING is what its all about, so you can often find ideas in the bridal area!  Running a quick eye over the assorted wedding goods , my eyes alight on the bridal bubbles - you know, the cute little bottles of bubbles that guests use to blow bubbles at the bride and groom.  At $3.99 for 24 bottles, I can buy two boxes and decorate them on the cheap with a simple ribbon, a glitz rhinestone flower on the lid and a label with my info...but what can I do to tie in this promo so that they will remember me?

This is where many girls get stuck.  Instead of trying to come up with an idea, they say, "I'm not creative" and don't try.  I stand in the wedding aisle, talking to myself.  "Bubbling with joy?"  "Bubbles of happiness?"  "Blingy Bubbles?"  "Bubble Bling"  "Double your bubble bling?"  (at this point, a women also in the aisle shot me a strange look) "Blow away your troubles?"  "Blow your way to free jewelry" (terribly inappropriate, that one could be!) "Don't BLOW your budget?"  BINGO!  "Don't BLOW your budget, get your jewelry FREE instead."  I knew I had a winner, and quickly got to work.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The last minute "planner"

So I think I totally have this expo thing under control - the jewelry and supplies are packed in the three carry-on suitcases that I and my kids are carrying, even though it is free to check - am I really checking jewelry?  (That and I haven't seen my husband in three weeks, so like I'm really going wait for baggage to be unloaded at the airport, *insert eyeroll here*!)

We get to New Hometown, and daughter gets sick to her stomach.  Now mind you, this is a fairly frequent occurrence with her, but I am suddenly tied to the cottage (have I told you about the cottage?  600 sq. ft. of kitschy bliss!)   No trips to Hobby Lobby for a cute promo item to hand out.  So I simply don't think about it.  Afterall, I have Saturday to prepare, right?

Saturday morning I kinda get into a checklist mode and realize I have left my stickers all at home.  I have 50 catalogs and 200 pieces of info at the cottage, shipped directly from lia sophia and I forgot the labels.  (Have I mentioned I hadn't seen my husband in three weeks?  Yeah.)  Fortunately, my husband's new boss is most gracious, and offers to let me use her printer.  Hence I need a Staples store, and fast.

So, in my New Hometown I can't quite find the Staples (I know I saw it somewhere!) but an Office Max will do (we don't have Office Max in my old town.)  Walking in I head towards labels and remember, oops!  Forgot a display stand for the banner.  Time to improvise.  I find the nearest Office Max Dude, a kid about 24 years old, fresh out of college and now the new assistant manager :-)  Time for an accent, right?

Brian is quickly convinced of my need for sticky-surfaced foam board that I need half-cut.  Apparently they don't normally sell this item (its an "Impress Area" item) but he meets with the manager and I agree to a price of $2.49.  (This is a major coup, because at Hobby Lobby they are $8.99, not that I'm mentioning it to eager-to-please new assistant manager Brian.)  He assures me that Ken can make the half cut I need...and Ken agrees with much eye-rolling.  (One of the huge benefits of my job as a lia sophia manager is I don't have 24 years old as my boss :-)  Ken also tells me the story of Alice in Wonderland and his family history in America as I wait (yes, I have that odd affect on people.)  I grab my stickers, and off I go in search of promo items...

Monday, May 16, 2011

Making new contacts by giving, giving, giving

This January, a dear friend was a guest speaker at our annual workshop.  A master networker, she stressed that the key to successful networking was giving, giving, giving, then asking, then receiving.

I am the new girl in my New Hometown.  What is funny is, that unlike many in my New Hometown, I've known the area for 25 years.  You see, my best friend's grandparents live there, and from the time I was 15 I've visited my new Hometown every few years.  So I know the area as a tourist rather I think this will be an advantage with the current locals.  Or maybe not!  lol!  We will see, but for now, I need to firmly remember, I am new here.  I must give, give, give.  Not expecting getting now, but giving to sow seeds for the future business relationships I wish to start.

Thinking of my display, I know I cannot make it as grandiose as I would like simply due to the constraints of traveling with supplies.  I could simply purchase new in my New Hometown, but as of now, there is no where to store items after I leave.  So I am taking this opportunity to reach out to the vendors still participating in the event.

My first thought is a florist.  Flowers always beautify their surroundings.  Looking through the vendors list, I am thrilled to find one!  My plan is to call and ask for the one in charge of setting up at the expo, let her know that I am also a vendor, and could I please order a few small bouquets for my table?  I will offer payment when I make the I'll make certain she knows that I'd also love to have her business cards with her bouquets and that I am paying (the plan is to give the bouquets to those I've already met - the health insurance agent, etc.)  Problem is, it's the week before Mother's Day.  Florists are incredibly overworked that week, so do I really want to add to that mess?  Would they even remember me?

So, I go to plan B.  Networking 101.  I'll simply have to give when I get there...but to do that, I need to get women to book.  Back to packing!  All the jewelry, a few display pieces, and jewelry most befitting to the expo, plus our trademark expo giveaway (no, I'm not telling what it is - but wowzers!  It works!)  My hostesses go home with a promise, a gift and a gift to come - at a cost of about $10 to me for the show that holds.  Giving works!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Getting Ready for the Expo

As I am still living 2000 miles away from my New Hometown, preparing for an expo is different than before.  I cannot wait until the week of the event to pull together my supplies from storage; I am forced to get it ready now so that it can be shipped beforehand.

My first thought had been to bring everything in my luggage, as I am flying Southwest and the bags are free.  Now lets add to this fact that I am bringing my two youngest children and my mother with me, so they can see their New Hometown (yes, I said mother.  My parents are moving to the New Hometown with us!  I am thrilled, but it does add another dimension to the move!)  My mother's flight is also one hour behind mine and the children.  The plan is to deplane, get the rental car, come back and pick her up.  This puts in the New Hometown around 3:30pm....and I need to go to the DMV that day.  So, not having to wait for luggage is a bonus.

Looking at my supplies, I realize I am low on some regularly stocked items, such as catalogs.  Aha!  Our company offers extremely low flat rate shipping on everything (regardless of order size, its always $3.80!!)  I decide to send the supplies I need directly to the New Hometown, instead of lugging them cross-country (have you ever tried to haul catalogs in your carry-on?  Not fun lifting that sucker into an overhead bin, I can assure you!)  The few supplies the company does not supply, I can easily fit in my carry-on (our the children's....thankfully we have three bags to work with!)

So now the question begs, how much jewelry do I take?  Do I buy extra favors for the attendee's?  What will my display look like?  Normal questions for any expo, but when traveling, again a challenge.  Normally I use boxes under a tablecloth to build height...where can I get the boxes?  Hmmm...I sense an opportunity to make more new contacts in my New Hometown...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Making Contacts: Do what you KNOW to do!

My "plan of attack" on my new hometown starts with something I know how to do:  Work an expo. 

The first challenge was to find the expo; the type I needed tended to be held only at particular times of the year, and the season was not yet upon us.  Google searches turned up little, so I had to spend time sifting through other websites to find the information I sought.  Bingo!  I found an expo for May 15th.  Plane ticket was booked immediately.

Imagine my horror, when three weeks before the expo my vendor payment envelope was returned, unopened, marked "return to sender!" 

I called the contact number I had, and was told that half of the vendors had LEFT the event!  It seemed the organizer had ruffled some feathers one to many times, and that the future of the event was in doubt.  This contact, in fact, was no longer part of the event...and did I want the contact information for the organizer?

In eight and half years working with women I have learned the number one rule is:  Don't get involved in other people's drama!!!  I declined the information, and asked her instead about her business.  I told her how I had established a preferred business network in my current home town, where I advertised other businesses at my home shows, and would she be interested?

To my delight, she was very interested in learning more, and seeing the jewelry.  We set a date for coffee when I got to town and had settled in.  Number of women I now knew in my new hometown:  3.

So what to do about the expo??

I sent a simple email to the organizer, explaining that I had received my check by return mail.  She was very quick to contact me, and apologized for the mishap (she simply stated that the vendor had dropped out, and did not speak ill of them.)  Was I still interested?

Given the fact that this expo was an annual event, that the year prior they had had a respectable number of attendees, and that advertising was still going strong for the event, I decided to participate.  This was still the most likely source of new bookings for me, and the cost of being a vendor was minimal.  If few attended, that was ok.  I am choosing NOT to get involved in the argument that I was not part of.  Business is business.  Number of women I now knew in my new hometown:  4.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Moving the Tribe

How often is it that you can pick up your business, move it cross-country and have no fear of change in income?

Welcome to my business.

The beauty of direct sales is by far its flexibility.  You decide when you are working, how much you will work and where you will work.  You decide if you need a pay raise.  You choose what inspires you, and you make it happen.

In planning our cross-country move, one of the first things I had to do was get my house ready to sell.  We purchased this home with two toddlers and a seven year old in tow; eight years later you can imagine the wear and tear!  All carpets needed replacement, walls needed painting, stuff needed to be packed up for storage or Goodwill.  The last two months have been full of hustle, sometimes working 12-15 hours in a day to get the house ready to sell.  Remarkably, my business did not suffer.  During that time I personally sold over $6000 in product, and our team produced an appreciation event entitled "Don't Be a Fashion Fool" for April Fool's Day.  I held three meetings, and flew to my new home state for an extended weekend.

A month from now, I hope to be "settled" in my new hometown.  Thus far, I know my husband's bosses, my new health insurance agent, and my new car insurance agent and his secretary.  I am literally starting from scratch to rebuild my home show business, and this is the exciting story of how I will grow a new tribe in a new area.  I am excited to be posed with this challenge; to live first hand what I have trained.  I invite you to follow in this journey.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

What we have IS Special

I cannot think of another group I have ever belonged in that was as special as my core team, affectionately known as The Corn Stars.  We share ideas, problems, news, excitement as if we were sisters; its hard to believe that we are making money while having such a good time!

Eight and a half years ago, I signed up to sell the jewelry.  At that time, I had a 3 month old infant, a 22 month old toddler, and a six year old who thought she ruled the household.  We home schooled, and my husband worked second shift; so finding a babysitter who could handle the little ones (as well as the strong-willed one) was an immediate hurdle.  Overcoming my nerves was another!  I had never felt comfortable in a group setting, but I knew this company was something special.  I knew no other company blessed their hostesses with so much for free or at great discounts, and the product was simply so pretty!  I was determined to overcome my nerves to be able to share the incredible benefits offered to both my customers and hostesses.

To achieve this, I relied on what I had learned in high school speech class:  note cards.  I practiced my presentation in front of my family and close friends.  By the time I finished my first five shows in my first five weeks, I felt confident enough to use only one card with a few bullet points.  As my bookings grew, my manager suggested I try recruiting.  I told her I didn't think it was possible for me to work up the nerve!

Never say never...I had my first recruit late that year, and my second and third in the first month of the new.  In February the company offered one of their many fabulous trip incentives, and that was all I needed to recruit six more in the following three months.  I blew through unit manger requirements and achieved division status in just four short months.  Nine months later I became a region manager, which is what I am today.

How did I achieve so much in such a short amount of time?  Well, plain and simple - what we have is special.  We have a GORGEOUS product that is easy to be passionate about.  We have what I believe to be the most GENEROUS hostess plan in the industry.  We have a lifetime GUARANTEE that is unmatched, and an opportunity to GROW-not only financially, but in our personal relationships as well.

My core team, The Corn Stars (after my husband's nickname, Corn) is a wonderful example of that.  We meet monthly for dinner and to recognize accomplishments.  Everyone on the team shares and teaches; we truly believe success in this business is a team effort.  We rely on each other for accountability, encouragement and support.  It is because of this strong support system that we have a large number of team members with years of business experience, which is something that is hard to find elsewhere.  Twice a year we gather for education and FUN; our national conference in Milwaukee is an annual trek in June and our January Workshop has taken us to the Bahamas, Key West, Cozumel, Michigan and next year, Las Vegas.

Want to learn more?  Check out my website at  You'll be able to view the entire catalog online, and learn more about joining this outstanding group that cares about YOU!